Is A Political, Public Policy, And Strategic Communications Consulting
We Consist Of A Number Of Young And Enthusiastic Professionals
Experts And Experienced Researchers Who Have Reliable Capacity And Integrity In Their Respective Fields
AKAR RUMPUT STRATEGIC CONSULTING (ARSC) is a political, public policy, and strategic communications consulting firm established in 2012 and based in jakarta. We consist of a number of young and enthusiastic professionals, experts and experienced researchers who have reliable capacity and integrity in their respective fields.
ARSC is a political and strategic communications consulting that helps public figures, organizations and businesses improve their relationship with stakeholders and enhance their reputations as well as their strategic impacts in public.
Dimas Oky Nugroho, S.IP., M.Phil., Ph.D
Executive Director
ARSC is a political and strategic communications consulting that helps public figures, organizations and businesses improve their relationship with stakeholders and enhance their reputations as well as their strategic impacts in public.